Sunday, January 27, 2008

Moorhead Meet

Finally, a few minutes to update this a bit. I have been slacking. I know the videos are a bit slow for some to load, luckily they are short. It wouldn't be the same to just take pictures, not to mention I'm not real good at catching any activity. Wyatt has had many meets in January, a few we weren't able to get to. The meets are typically on Tuesday or Thurday and have been 2 to 4 hours away. The season is coming to an end soon. Wyatt has an excellent shot of going to 8AA sections this year, we are told this is rare for a first year diver/swimmer, so it is exciting.

Anytime they have a meet they also have practice at 5:30 before school. Wyatt had tried this back flip/dive for the first time that morning and was very nervous when it came time at the meet. He had done so many backflops that morning he had a bruise on his back. At the meet was the first time he hadn't smacked, he was tickled.

Back one and one half somersault tuck.

Forward two somersault tuck.


Chris, Nicole and Jace said...

Wow Good job Wyatt! That would be awesome if you made it to sections! Keep up the good work.

James, Keisha, Nevaeh, Bodin, Jaxtin said...

Great job Wyatt! We look forward to seeing how the season continues for you! Has your mom and dad started a pool fund for the backyard yet so you can practice all summer?